Johnnie Moore

Our Social World

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Hugh talks about why people aren’t flocking to Our Social World. I agree with him that (to quote the Open Space mantra) the people who come are the right people. I also have a feeling that blogging is just starting to “tip” in the UK. James and I are finding that PR agencies are now anxious to hear about blogging; six months ago they weren’t interested.

I’m looking forward to the conference and getting some sparky conversations going.

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Blogging for Ourhouse

Welcome to the Ourhouse Weblog. Blogging is something I’ve become increasingly interested in. Earlier this month I set up the Beyond Branding Blog which is


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Just Undo It?

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I’ve finally started paying attention to RSS and all this stuff about “Blog Aggregators”. The final shove was wanting to get Martin Roell’s English feed.

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Emotional debt

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Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-10-02

A fascinating day with ‘challenging’ kids | Alastair Campbell The former spin doctor goes into the classroom. Sounds like everyone learnt things!

Johnnie Moore

Poacher turned gamekeeper

Tony Goodson’s blog has gained added interest since he abandoned self-employment in favour of the corporate world. Now he is seeing business through new spectacles. He opened his blogging of

Johnnie Moore

Open space shock

I like Viv’s comment on the challenge of Open Space: We are so used to being told what to do where to go and when, that when faced with a

Johnnie Moore

Personal authority

Andrew Sullivan quotes Simone Weil … those to whom destiny lends might perish for having relied too much upon it. It is impossible that they should not perish. For they