Johnnie Moore

Practice being comfortable with discomfort

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

We had a substitute teacher in our yoga class yesterday and I was fascinated by the experience. I noticed the little differences in the way she taught and realised that even small details pushed me a little outside my comfort zone… and quickly realised how great that was. That edge of the comfort zone is where some of the best learning happens and I try to spot the opportunities to practice being comfortable with discomfort.

She shared the Iyengar paradox of “effortless effort” so it was a good morning for paradox.

Facilitators can lapse into thinking it’s our job to make sure no-one is confused but I think at least some degree of confusion is a really healthy thing. At the blurry uncertain edge, we are more likely to pay attention and discover something new.

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