Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Had a good meeting today with Michael Herman who’s in London for a few months. We kicked around thoughts about what makes for good conversations in organisations the role of improv presence… that kind of stuff. Michael’s the inspiration behind the Small Change News Network – a pretty timely idea for bloggers to chew on:

This site wants to be an online clearinghouse for news and information, connections and contributions — for ordinary, but passionate, individuals who are starting and running extraordinary community projects. The sCNN wants to connect committed people improving their communities with funding and all kinds of other support. This is about small change that really adds up.

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Blogging for Ourhouse

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Just Undo It?

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Emotional debt

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Johnnie Moore

There is no “small talk”

As Dan Millman’s sage explains in The Way of the Peaceful Warrior “there is never nothing happening”. I thought of this while reading this post pointing the unseen value of the

Johnnie Moore

links for 2006-04-17

?Fouroboros: Radio-controlled-exploding-mad-cows Mark Brady has a passionate rant against the deficiencies of thinking about security against terror in the US (tags: politics terrorism) —–

Johnnie Moore

$400,000 to stay the same

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Johnnie Moore

FT on blogging

The Financial Times reports on corporate blogging. (via Scoble)