Johnnie Moore

QR codes

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

It never occurred to me that QR codes could be useful in meetings. But then Stu Field got me thinking about it. He’s been experimenting with using them to make it easier for students to pursue links from his lectures. Could save a lot of time on laborious spelling out of web addresses.

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links for 2011-06-23

The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why? by Marcia Angell | The New York Review of Books Fascinating and disturbing review of research suggesting that anti-depressants are either ineffective or dangerously

Johnnie Moore

Recognising humanity

Evelyn Rodriquez quotes Harry Beckwith’s The Invisible Touch What people miss most today in their lives is connection. No focus group or survey will tell you this. No one will

Johnnie Moore

Meeting Stormhoek

Last night Adrian Trenholm James Governor and I from the 173drurylane team met Nick Dymoke-Marr and Jason Korman of Stormhoek. A good time was had by all, although I was

Johnnie Moore

Gonzo on authenticity

Today’s reading from the (Gonzo) Gospel according to Chris Locke… The quality of wildness most lacking in commerce is play. Yet play once again is serious business. To the rollicking