Johnnie Moore

The post-productive economy

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Kevin Kelly makes some great points about a “post-productive economy”. This really scratches lots of itches for me. Even if you don’t agree with him I think it’s a great attempt to get fish to see water: challenging some deep assumptions about what productivity is, and what choices people will make.

So the 3rd Industrial Revolution is not really computers and the internet, it is the networking of everything. And in that regime we are just at the beginning of the beginning. We have only begun to connect everything to everything and to make little network minds everywhere. It may take another 80 years for the full affect of this revolution to be revealed.

He argues that we easily misunderstand the impact of this by attempting to analyse it through the same lens we used for earlier revolutions. I found it inspiring.

Hat tip: Anne McCrossan’s tweet

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