Johnnie Moore

There is no “small talk”

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

As Dan Millman’s sage explains in The Way of the Peaceful Warrior “there is never nothing happening”.

I thought of this while reading this post pointing the unseen value of the apparently trivial conversations that happen during coffee breaks. It shares an interesting claim about the value of just allowing employees a bit of shared unsupervised, unstructured conversation. This is fairly anecdotal, but I have to say I like this viewpoint:

Remember, this disruptive innovation, conversation, requires no enterprise social media, no 2-year IT project, no so-called management.

For authentic conversation there is no million dollar budget, no fancy PowerPoints on ‘culture’ (?), no software, no well-manicured vendors.

Great conversation means no ‘thought leadership,’ no annoying consultants, no hierarchy, nocommunity of practice, no training, no loopy change management – just genuine chitchat.

Hat tip: David Gurteen (tweet)

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