Johnnie Moore

Viv podcasts

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Viv has recorded a podcast with Jessica Tangelder talking about creative facilitation, including a lot about how she I work together.

Of course, I agree with just about all of it; Viv and I have practiced together a lot over the past few years (despite being on opposite sides of the planet). It’s still useful to me to hear Viv articulate it and remind me that there is a reasonably coherent explanation of how I work!

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Johnnie Moore

The benefits of the idling mind

Clive Thompson has a good piece in Wired: Why Idling Mind Is Mother of Invention. He cites evidence that lots of important processing goes on in the brain when we

Johnnie Moore

Nice post

Jory des Jardins’ mum likes her latest post (see the comments). And so do I. Living Without a Net: An Odyssey into Self-Employment (Part XVII): On Defining Success and Allowing

Johnnie Moore


What if we focus on the ideas that are so sticky they don’t need a post-it note? How often do we leave meetings where the walls are festooned with post-its?

Johnnie Moore

links for 2011-08-21

Seth's Blog: When ideas become powerful I agree. Conversations about innovation are usually about power. And those with it will defend it. Schumpeter: Think different | The Economist – Rules