Johnnie Moore

Why blog?

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Denzil Meyers asks

Everyone and their dog seems to be blogging except for me. What’s the big deal?

Answers on a postcard (well, comment form then) here please.

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Blogging for Ourhouse

Welcome to the Ourhouse Weblog. Blogging is something I’ve become increasingly interested in. Earlier this month I set up the Beyond Branding Blog which is


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking – and worrying – about collaboration. I think the ability to collaborate effectively is becoming ever more essential

Just Undo It?

The AntiBrand: blackSpot sneakers, a project by Adbusters attacks Nike directly. In doing so they take on what has become one of the great icons

Trust and NGOs

My friend Olaf Brugman has invited me to take part in a workshop in Brussels on October 29th. It looks set to be an interesting


I’ve finally started paying attention to RSS and all this stuff about “Blog Aggregators”. The final shove was wanting to get Martin Roell’s English feed.

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Not villainous, not heroic but epic?

Tony Goodson found this article and Facebooked it: Terrorism Trauma and the Search for Redemption.  It’s the remarkable story of Silke Maier-Witt, her traumatic upbringing how she ended up in

Johnnie Moore

Synchrony in meetings

Kathy Sierra has been listening to Thomas Lewis co-author of A General Theory of Love. I recommend her summary of some of his ideas; she’s fastened on the same bits

Johnnie Moore

Blogs can pay

Ton Zijlastra shows me his new wiki with some great information about the business value of blogging.

Johnnie Moore

Engagement and formulae

Before leaving London I was talking to some brand consultants about engagement. Their puzzle was: how do we get employees to engage with a brand. How would you approach this