Johnnie Moore

Zopa and credit crisis

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Monevator left a comment interesting reflections on experience as a Zopa lender – and speculations about what will happen in a crunch.

The biggest issue for me is Zopa has not yet been tested in anger. We haven’t yet seen how individual borrowers will behave in a peer-to-peer system if money really becomes tight. With some economists predicting a 1980s-style recession in every way except the shoulder pads, that’s a very real risk.

I have a hunch, just a hunch, that peer-to-peer will turn out to be more robust in a crisis than institutuional lending – becuase I think if better cultivates a more primal human sort of trust than the purely mechanical efforts of banks. But we’ll see, I guess!

Monevator also suggests it may be time for another Zopa podcast…

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