Johnnie Moore

Amazing what can happen in 35 minutes

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

David Wilcox writes

Can 200 people work out what they are interested in find others with shared concerns form groups, and decide what to do next – all in 35 minutes? I now know the answer.

An inspiring story unfolds in David’s blog. Well done, David – isn’t it great what people can do when facilitators give them a simple nudge and then let them get on with it? And for me, that’s the thing about much really great facilitation, it has the gentleness that David personifies.

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links for 2010-10-06

Ig Nobel Prize Winner: If The Peter Principle is Right Then Organizations Should Randomly Promote People – Bob Sutton Research suggesting choosing leaders seems to diminish group effectiveness, compared to