Johnnie Moore

Another gem from PostSecret

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

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Rambling thoughts on models

I went down to Surrey on Friday for long walk and pub lunch with Neil Perkin. We’d originally planned to run a workshop about agile

Planning as drowning

Antonio Dias offers a fascinating description of what goes wrong when drowning: What separates a swimmer from someone drowning is the way a swimmer acknowledges

Leadership as holding uncertainty

Viv picks out some nice ideas from Phelim McDermott on the subject of leadership. “We love the security of the illusion that someone is in

Concreting Complexity

I’ve been thinking about the urge to scale things lately – see here and here. I understand the concern with being able to effect big

The absurd

In moving house, I radically downsized my collection of books which I can highly recommend. I used to think I’d one day find a reason

Rewriting history…

Thanks to my Improvisation friend Kelsey Flynn I rambled into a letter cited in Margaret Cho’s Blog (go to Letter #1): Lately it seems like

Who says fun is dangerous?

I wanted to share this email doing the rounds this morning… AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE After every flight Qantas pilots fill out a form called a gripe

Yes, and…

A quick ramble on the nature of paradox, inspired by a blog on the value of both fear of the new and curiosity

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

links for 2011-08-05

“I never thought of that!” « Horizons of Significance "Action without intention or the suspension of striving is not non-action. It is not “passivity.” It does not preclude any particular

Johnnie Moore

Past and future

JP has a good post summarising the differences between the analog and digital eras: Musing about culture and customers and choice: the eBaying of “content”.

Johnnie Moore

What is an organisation?

Dave Snowden has just posted online a book chapter he has written with Cynthia Kurtz called Bramble Bushes in a Thicket. It’s about the “relationship between narrative and learning networks.

Johnnie Moore

Persuasion… or sharing?

Robert Scoble has done a thoughtful post – How do you persuade?. If you listen to Donald Trump’s Apprentice show, or political advertising you’ll quickly pick up on the predominant