Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

The Bumble Bee is a new addition to the list of blogs I’m reading. It’s about the idea of bioteams a way of applying principles from nature to human teams to make them more effective. Quite a lot of it seems to align closely with the Improv principles I’m keen on. Here’s a snippet from one post:

In an perfectly working bioteam there are no leaders. Everyone contributes to the well being of the team and to achieving the agreed goals.

In a bioteam there are no leaders issuing orders as everyone is broadcasting relevant bits of information just-in-time to all other team members.

Leaders are not needed as there are no rigid permission structures and any team member can take timely action relative the information received. Direct, responsible individual action is supported and facilitated.

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-06-23

Feelings of Knowing : The Frontal Cortex Why humans can (sometimes) beat a computer at quiz games – because we can feel we know an answer to a question before

Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-10-26

Fear and Scorn versus Idea Diffusion « Innovation Leadership Network Some good examples of resistance to new inventions – and boy do they look preposterous with hindsight

Johnnie Moore

Dept of Miscellany

Idly googling for the origins of the British slang term “bog standard” I stumbled into – campaigning for better toilets in schools.

Johnnie Moore


I’m fascinated by visual illusions. They challenge our everyday notion that the world is as we see it. Richard Dawkins has a great chapter in Unweaving the Rainbow which explores