Johnnie Moore

Blogging: A Real Conversation?

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’ve been asked to speak at Blogging: A Real Conversation? on 28 June, which will be fun. Mostly because my general boredom with conferences is usually alleviated when I get to be on the panel delivering the boredom instead of in the audience receiving it. That’s a bit unfair probably as I see the lovely Suw and Sabrina are going and I’m pretty sure they’re going to keep it lively.

I’m doing the panel on “Are blogs the new voice of authority?” Here’s the copy I knocked out on what I’ll be saying.

I have a number of fantasies about what I may say at this event. Some are grandiose dreams of making a big impact in a short time and outclassing all the other speakers. Others involve being exposed as an inarticulate fraud.

There are yet more in-between that are even less interesting. What I actually say on the day will be in-the-moment and won’t follow much of a script.

I suspect that being in-the-moment is something to do with the effectiveness or otherwise of blogs. It may also have something to do with creating authentic authority. Whether marketers like this or not is not something I plan to lose sleep over.

In this spirit, I promise not to use Powerpoint and I may attempt to sabotage anyone who does.

Beyond that, I don’t know what will happen, but I expect to be interested in what I have to say.

And a hat tip to Brad Blanton, the author of the brilliant Radical Honesty, for some of the inspiration for this.


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