Johnnie Moore

Brick wall or campfire

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I made a new friend today Jeremy Sweeney. Here’s something from his site that might indicate why: Brick wall or camp fire organisation.

Brick walls help build structures. Camp fires stimulate a desire to connect and co-operate.

Business science and managements tend to emphasise ‘brick wall’ type structural solutions to the challenges of growth recruitment retention and scale.

Most peoples response to brick walls is to either want to escape or rebel.

At the same time consumers, staff and other stakeholders are tending to want more of the ‘camp fire’ in their lives.

It’s not an either/or but I know where I’d go for comfort most of the time.

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links for 2011-08-06

Workshop: Implementing Knowledge Cafes for Organizational Purpose 13 Sep 2011, London, United Kingdom (Gurteen Knowledge) I am a big fan of simple formats that let people "just" talk. Just in