Johnnie Moore

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Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Stuart Henshall reports a Dave Snowden keynote. Very clever stuff though I did get lost in one or two places.

What sticks with me most is Dave’s question: What’s the odd one out from chicken cow and grass. Here in the West most of us would say grass but in much of the world they’d say chicken. That’s because we’re trained to filter by categories; elsewhere they filter for relationships. Dave then elaborates on how this profoundly affects they way organisations are run (favouring boxes and isolationism). But the world’s changing and it’s relationships we need to focus on now. That’s my shorthand version but see what you make of it.

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Blogging for Ourhouse

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Just Undo It?

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Trust and NGOs

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

The nature of creativity

I’ve written before that creativity doesn’t run to a schedule. I had a really good reminder of that recently. I’ve just moved house, and my friend Geoff Jones has been

Johnnie Moore

Anecdote Circles… and seeing the trees.

I’ve been doing a little work lately using Anecdote Circles. I found this Ultimate Guide (pdf) an excellent reflection on the process and how to use it. The guys at

Johnnie Moore

The hallways of learning

Nancy Dixon has a fascinating post about working with researchers who were getting a new work environment designed to foster casual conversation and collaboration. Basically their new cubes were going

Johnnie Moore

Rapid prototyping of behaviour

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