Johnnie Moore

Do it Yourself

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Piers Young quotes Ross Mayfield

It’s becoming cheaper to host your own event than attend one

…which has big implications for the professional Conference business and its overpriced, status-obsessed offerings. Ton has a good riff on this too.

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Blogging for Ourhouse

Welcome to the Ourhouse Weblog. Blogging is something I’ve become increasingly interested in. Earlier this month I set up the Beyond Branding Blog which is


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking – and worrying – about collaboration. I think the ability to collaborate effectively is becoming ever more essential

Just Undo It?

The AntiBrand: blackSpot sneakers, a project by Adbusters attacks Nike directly. In doing so they take on what has become one of the great icons

Trust and NGOs

My friend Olaf Brugman has invited me to take part in a workshop in Brussels on October 29th. It looks set to be an interesting


I’ve finally started paying attention to RSS and all this stuff about “Blog Aggregators”. The final shove was wanting to get Martin Roell’s English feed.

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

The perils of efficiency

When I’m talking about facilitation, I often find myself saying that the effort to be efficient is what makes meetings inefficient. By setting agendas which assume that groups of people

Johnnie Moore

Flying Wellington-Melbourne

So a nice flight on Air New Zealand. Wellington airport made me laugh. They have a giant Gollum statue crawling over the international terminal to greet visitors. (Pic here) Mad

Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-07-07

Start Before You’re Ready | Steven Pressfield Online "Remember, the enemy is not the work. It’s not the difficulty of the work. The enemy is Resistance."

Johnnie Moore

Engagement and formulae

Before leaving London I was talking to some brand consultants about engagement. Their puzzle was: how do we get employees to engage with a brand. How would you approach this