Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Mark Earls points out the powerful influence of our eyes.

But eyes also work on us in a much more subtle and interesting way. They keep us in line. You know the feeling of being watched? Well one psychologist Melissa Bateson found that contributions to the honesty box in the psychology department communal coffee room increase 3-fold when a pair of eyes is stuck on the wall.

I love this. And this is just our eyes – what are all the other unconscious ways in which we influence and affect each other? For me, its another reason to question the value of those long, written documents attempting to get everyone to “buy in” to a strategy.

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Emotional debt

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Johnnie Moore

Peer pressure, inverted

I’m a sucker for stories of psychological experiments, especially ones containing the word ostensibly. You know, the ones where the subjects think the experiment is about one thing but really

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Report writers

Government seems to reverence a particular kind of cleverness. The lawyerly sort, that can write precise reports and prescribe best practices. I would dearly like to see some of the

Johnnie Moore


Great post by Annette on the value of being sorry.