Johnnie Moore

Fast and slow

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I enjoyed Galen Strawson’s review of Daniel Kahneman’s new book, Thinking Fast and Slow. Among other things, it’s a great reminder of the limits of our capacity for rational thought, and how easily we delude ourselves into thinking we’re acting rationally when we are not. So it appears that when judges make sentencing decisions, they seem to give longer terms the hungrier they get.

It reminds me of my observation the other day about being more Homer Simpson and less Mr Spock.

Both modes of thinking have great value and we shouldn’t revere one over another. I would say in the business world that most meetings seem to try to operate in highly rational mode most of the time and it means we spend far too much time in darkened rooms pretending to listen to powerpoint.


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