Johnnie Moore

How’s that for an intervention?

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

In his book Dialogue and the art of thinking together William Isaacs tells of a charged meeting of Russians and Chechens.

At the first toast of the evening the negotiatior/facilitator of the session stood up and said: “Up until a few days ago I had been with my mother in New Mexico… She is dying of cancer. I debated whether to come here at all to participate in this gathering. But when I told her that I was coming to help facilitate a dialogue among all of you, in this important place on earth, she ordered me to come. There was no debate. So here I am. I raise my glass to mothers.” There followed a long moment of silence in the room.

It is in courageous moments like these that the promise of dialogue shows itself.

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