Johnnie Moore

Keeping conversations inside the room

Steve Yastrow blogs his new article, The Window and the Mirror. This prompts some further thoughts about the difference between change, and just talking about change.
Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Steve Yastrow blogs his new article The Window and the Mirror.

Whenever I ask a new or prospective client to describe the issues that confront his or her business they inevitably describe forces from the outside world that stand in the way of success. These forces could include competitive threats, fickle customers, economic conditions, intransigent unions, the weather

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Which pool would you swim in?

Rob put up a great post the other day making a whole load of challenging points about how see the world. I want to pick a couple of his images

Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-03-14

India’s Rural Cell Movement: Can You Hear Me Now? Techcrunch article on how innovative tech is allowing low-cost mobile to be rolled out to the remote villages of India and

Johnnie Moore

CW, debunked

James Gardner left his bank job a few weeks ago to work for the DWP. It may be my imagination but it seems his blogging has become spunkier since then.

Johnnie Moore


Alan Moore has a good post of an interview analysing the success of social network Cyworld in Korea. I was particularly interested in the business model which is not advertising-based,