Johnnie Moore

Leadership as participation

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Phil Dorado highlights a little anedote from Richard Branson’s autobiography:

“I…insist that we continually ask our staff for any suggestions they might have, and I try my hand at their jobs. When I tried pushing a trolley down the aisle of a jumbo I found I crashed into everyone. When I talked to the crew about this they suggested we introduce a more waitress-style service and keep the trolleys to a minimum. As it turned out, by getting rid of trolleys altogether in Upper Class, we were able to use up some of the aisle space to provide the longest and largest seats in the air.”

I think this is a great example of leadership being about being willing to learn, rather than just trying to teach. And leading by making yourself part of the process, not merely supervising it.

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