Johnnie Moore

Moving targets

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Phil Dourado has a good post on the pitfalls of management-by-metrics including the absurdity of ambulances waiting outside hospitals with their patients. (Because A&E have a target, set by goverment, for processing patients and the clock starts when they come in through the door)

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Emotional debt

Releasing the hidden costs of pent up frustrations


Finding the aliveness below the surface of stuck

Johnnie Moore

Control and trust

David Weinberger quoted by Jeff Jarvis: There is an inverse relationship between control and trust.

Johnnie Moore

What’s risky?

Tom Guarriello has a useful summary of what sounds an interesting talk by Dan Gilbert. Gilbert the Harvard psychologist who wrote Stumbling On Happiness, turned his attention to risk and

Johnnie Moore

Over- or under-Sethed?

So I promised to come back with my review of Seth Godin’s new book. First off I like Seth. He gave me a free copy of this book and a

Johnnie Moore


I’ve been paying more attention to contempt recently. Noticing others expressing it, often in small ways, and catching it in myself. So this article about the work of John Gottman