Johnnie Moore

Next gen media

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

Antony Mayfield recommended Dan Calladine‘s presentation on Next Generation Media at Slideshare. Lots of interesting factoids about how the networked world is shaping up.

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Blogging for Ourhouse

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Just Undo It?

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Trust and NGOs

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Emotional debt

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Johnnie Moore


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Johnnie Moore

Chucking bricks

My friend Howard Mann draws his inspiration for business from a college football coach. After a run of disastrous form he stops using a football for training. Instead the athlete’s

Johnnie Moore


I’m glad that my friend Matt Moore has resumed blogging. Here’s his take on control: There are two lies. One that we are not in control of our own destiny

Johnnie Moore

Badgers and the joy of complexity

Great article in today’s Independent. The government decided to take action to stop the spread of TB among cattle. They found that badgers were to blame for spreading it. So