Johnnie Moore

Not knowing

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I enjoyed this TED talk by Peter Bregman. He talks about what it’s like to be expected to lead when you don’t know what to do, and tells some good stories around that. I think leaders really struggle with the idea that they should know what to do which is a very tough gig to maintain in a fundamentally uncertain world. Bregman suggests it’s from the scary insecure place of not knowing that creativity is born. Of course to admit to not knowing risks humiliation, but as Bregman argues, it can also create the space for real collaboration to happen.

One of the reasons I love doing improv is that it provides a constant opportunity to practice acting without certainty. I’d also argue that’s what facilitation requires too.

Hat tip: Richard Wise

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