Johnnie Moore

Open space shock

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I like Viv’s comment on the challenge of Open Space:

We are so used to being told what to do where to go and when, that when faced with a self-organising system, we sometimes doubt our own ability to respond.

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Johnnie Moore

Warcraft explained

Dave Pollard spotted this article about the lure of MMORPGs like World of Warcraft. I’m a Warcraft addict, but this piece opened my eyes further. These early lines had me

Johnnie Moore

links for 2010-08-27

Blockbuster tells Hollywood studios it's preparing for mid-September bankruptcy | Company Town | Los Angeles Times Yikes. And I suspect the list of organisations who should be paying attention include

Johnnie Moore

Blog depression

I enjoyed Jennifer Rice’s recent post on Blog Depression linking to Nonist’s Public Service Pamphlet on the topic. I went through a bout of content anxiety earlier this month and

Johnnie Moore

What is brand? And is this getting boring?

So the whole is-branding-dead debate drones on. I feel torn between a part of me that has some strong opinions… and another part that has a a rather cruder response: