Johnnie Moore


Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I was doing some coaching work recently where I talked about how easy it is to adopt a behaviour and make it into an identity or a persona. All well and good but these personae are employees who should come up for review. For instance, I often explain to myself and others that I’m an introvert but lately I’m wondering whether this is either true or useful. And if I had a pound for every time I’ve heard someone say, “but that’s not who I am”, I could afford a lengthy bout of psychoanalysis. (In which I might be indulged in repeating my questionable self-image until I get bored of my own voice.)

I was kicking this around with James and he put me onto this clip from Fight Club. Brad Pitt makes the point in 20 seconds.

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Johnnie Moore

Coffeehouse challenge

In response to my last post my friend Michael Ambjorn let me know about an interesting evening event about personalised learning. It’s in Chelmsford on October 9th. Here’s the theme:

Johnnie Moore


Here in Banff at the Applied Improv conference it’s no surprise my mind is on games. I enjoyed The Inner Game of Work on the flight over which has a

Johnnie Moore

“Knowledge work” or a conversation?

I know what I’d choose. So I loved this: Here’s a definition of that pesky and borderline elitist phrase ‘knowledge worker’. A knowledge worker is someone whose job entails having