Johnnie Moore

Thinking Hotel

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

This weekend an experimental Thinking Hotel is happening in Soho, London over 24 hours from Saturday to Sunday noon. Here’s the essence:

The Thinking Hotel is a vision of a future social enterprise that aims to create a chain of places for thinking in every city around the world. These paces will be open to anyone individuals, businesses, organisations, open 24/7 like a hotel, but designed to offer thinking experiences, from imagination, collaboration to inspirational and strategic thinking.

The workship is a drop in event to help develope the idea. It’s organised by Maria Ana Neves, drop her a line for more info or sign up here. I think I’ll be going.

Also a reminder about Facilitation Camp, also in London, on August 20/21, should be fun.

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