Johnnie Moore

When doing little can be smart

Johnnie Moore

Johnnie Moore

I’m Johnnie Moore, and I help people work better together

I’ve been going on about the idea of notice more change less quite a lot this year.

With this in mind, I was intrigued by Andrew Sullivan’s analysis in The Sunday Times of Barack Obama’s strategy: President Obama may seem to dither, but he is ready to strike.

Of course there are plenty of other ways to interpret these events, and to frame Obama’s leadership or otherwise. I don’t particularly want to get into an argument about that.

I will just say that what Sullivan suggests does resonate with me as an approach to complex issues, where there is so much temptation to take big, decisive action, and take it quickly. It’s easy for patience and sitting with ambiguity to be denounced as indecisive. There are times to move boldly, and times to wait patiently.

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